MISSION: Judeo-Christian Caucus upholds our Judeo-Christian faith in government by educating and mobilizing the vote on key issues: Religious Liberty, Israel, The Persecuted Church, Marriage and Life Issues

Action Step:

1. First, someone on your state must step up to be the Coordinator.  Please see START A JUDEO-CHRISTIAN CAUCUS IN YOUR STATE (click here).

2. If you decide to be a coordinator, please contact us at 888.725.8654 to confirm this appointment

3. Be prepared to share the vision and mission of the Judeo-Christian Caucus with your state legislator.

4. Invite him or her via phone call and email.  Here is a letter you may use.

Sample Letter Start a JCC Caucus-page-001.jpg

Request Information on Inviting a Legislator to the Judeo-Christian Caucus

Invite a Legislator to the Judeo-Christian Caucus to Your State

Invite a Legislator to the Judeo-Christian Caucus to Your State

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