Canary in the Tunnel: The Closing of California Churches

by Stephen Frank

Special to the Judeo-Christian Caucus

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The first signs of the formation of a Free State is not the establishment of newspapers, the rise of free speech or the development of a market economy.  Instead modern day Europe was created in the shadow of the churches.  Whether it was the Catholic churches, the Church of England or the churches formed during the Reformation.  Churches led the way.

Churches were the repositories of history, culture and values.  It was a place for people to gather and create a community.  It was no surprise that when Lenin and his buddies took over the Soviet Union, they closed down the churches.  Or that the Nazi’s closed down or controlled the churches.  In Latin America “Liberation Theology” in the 1960’s through 1980-‘s replaced the Trinity as church doctrine, for the churches allowed to stay open.

One of the first institutions closed by Governor Newsom and other Governors were the churches.  Yet at the same time, more people attended the Church of Wal Mart on a Sunday morning than the neighborhood church.  You are allowed to gather to buy products and services—including marijuana, abortions, liquor or a weed whacker—but not to meet as a congregation to pray and to be part of a Faithful community.

Without any data showing attendance at churches is more dangerous than being a customer at Target, Gov. Newsom is forcing counties to sue churches that stay open, per the First Amendment of the Constitution.  Ministers like Pastor Rob McCoy of Godspeak Calvary Church in Ventura County has been sued, because 1,000 people prayed at his church.  Oh, the County also sued 1,000 John Does—the attendees.  The same situation in the making for Pastor John MacArthur in the San Fernando Valley.  Both ministers are being threatened with closure of their churches and being arrested—for the crime of obeying the Constitution.

From the Los Angeles Times, August 12, 2020, “Ventura County health authorities took Godspeak and McCoy to court last week, alleging that the church’s actions “will cause and continue to cause great and irreparable injury to the general public ... including hospitalizations and deaths, which in turn is likely to result in continued and further restrictions on businesses and other operations and activities.”

McCoy, though, has said he’s being unfairly targeted.

“We would be the first to be masked and distanced, and willingly so, if this were meriting it, and it doesn’t. This isn’t a health issue; it’s an ideological issue,” he said.”

If this was a health issue, than the County should be closing down Target, Costco, Home Depot, Wal Mart and more.  Each of these stores have more people in the stores on an average Sunday than the 1,000 people that attend the three services at Godspeak Calvary.”

How serious is Pastor McCoy in defending religious freedom?  Until the COVID virus, he was an elected member of the Thousand Oaks City Council.  He resigned his seat because of what he perceived to be a conflict of interest, between being part of a government trying to close down churches and being the leader of a church.

From the ACORN, April 6, 2020, McCoy said the U.S. was founded on the idea of religious freedom and that he was choosing to exercise that liberty.

“I am in compliance and respect of authority. I will honor all (Centers for Disease Control) requirements, but I cannot submit to the authority that declares the church to be nonessential. It’s that simple,” he said.

Of stepping down from the council, the pastor said: “I didn’t desire to resign from the council. I love serving the city. I’ve tried to do my best but this comes into conflict and I completely understand and I don’t want to burden the other council members. But this calling is critical and I believe this to be of utmost importance.

“I firmly believe if rights aren’t exercised, they’re lost.”

That is the crux of the matter—“, but I cannot submit to the authority that declares the church to be nonessential. It’s that simple,”  To government selling light bulbs is more important than prayers and a sermon.  To believers in government, controlling the actions of the population is more important than the exercise of freedoms, guaranteed to us by the U.S. Constitution.

I have known Pastor McCoy for several years.  Unlike many in the public eye, he lives his values and principles.  He is not only a religious leader, but also a community leader.  He has been faithful to his oath of office as a city council member, to uphold the Constitution.  Too bad bureaucrats and hack politicians prefer bullying people than abiding by their oath of office.

Like Pastors, Ministers, Rabbi’s and Priests throughout history, Pastor McCoy has shown his Faithfulness to the word of the Lord and the laws allowing free exercise of religion.  The good news is that Pastors all over the State are opening their churches.  Like all historic movements of freedom, the Church will lead the way.

Stephen Frank is Senior Contributing Editor of California Political Review. Read California news that is incisive, hard-hitting, and solution-oriented with a free subscription to Steve’s daily emails at

NOTE: Blogs published on the Judeo-Christian Caucus website are the opinions of their authors and not necessarily those of the Judeo-Christian Caucus.


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