Have Faith! We Will Win the Civil War

by Stephen Frank

Special to the Judeo-Christian Caucus

Have Faith! We Will Win the Civil War.png

Let us admit it. We are in a Civil War. Rioters control dozens of cities at night. In towns like Philly, Chicago and New York, you have your run of the mill Progressive, gangsters and criminals. At the same time, the police in the Democrat-run cities are not allowed to get illegal aliens off the streets or stop riots without getting into trouble. Each arrest is an opportunity for a cop to go to jail and/or be financially ruined. In each city there are massive resignations and few replacements. Houston is advertising for police who are looking for a city where the community supports them.

The ongoing Civil War has closed schools and churches. Here in California, read the Governor’s four color plan to “re-open” the State. Even if EVERY criterion is met and the numbers are close to zero—restaurants and stores will only be allowed 50% capacity. Gov. Newsom has NO plan to totally open the State. Oh, just to get to the 50% mark will take upwards of another twenty weeks!

In the past, the media has exposed the corruption and excesses of government. Now it is an advocate for job loss, junk science, delusional statements, and a promoter that riots are “mostly peaceful.” It has become an overt affiliate of a Revolution by a “new” Democrat Party that is increasingly identifying as Marxist.

I will stir up Egyptian against Egyptian—brother will fight against brother, neighbor against neighbor, city against city, kingdom against kingdom - Isaiah 19:2.

Through all of this, we need to believe we will win the Civil War. There is no losing option. To lose means the loss of the fight for 200 years for freedom, equality and opportunity. The Rule of Law will no longer even be allowed to be taught—it will be cancelled. Free speech will end since the Revolutionaries’ claim that to suggest freedom is a hate crime. Even today, people feel bullied and are afraid to speak up for fear of being called a racist, bigot or right-wing extremist.

No, losing is not an option.

So how do we turn this around? The first step is for our political and religious leaders to admit we are in a Civil War. You cannot win a battle you refuse to admit exists. A time to love and a time to hate. A time for war and a time for peace - Ecclesiastes 3:8. We are in a War; the time is now.

The next step is organization. Start free-speech groups, prayer centers, letter-writing campaigns. Become educated on who is running for office. View some of the Sacramento legislators holding conservative values. Start the process of getting the apathetic, those that think they can do nothing, to get involved. They need to understand this is about freedom and the future. Just comparing the U.S. to Cuba, China and Venezuela is one way to start.

For instance, Gov. Newsom is trying to close down our fossil fuel industry after the nuclear and coal-based energy has been closed down to the people of California. We pay 2-3 times the amount the people of Texas pay for their energy. Families and businesses need to know that. Why the power outages? Because refineries and power sources have been cut back. They are even trying to stop hydro-electric power from dams in Oregon coming into California.

It is a physical war, an education and economic war, against the people of California and the nation. Each has to be fought on different grounds. Parents can pull their children from failed government schools that hold students’ hostage to failed ideologies in the classroom. Research homeschooling, church-run schools, one-room schoolhouses, private schools, and quality online education systems instead of unions and special interests.

Stop voting for tax increases. The November ballot will have 230 tax-increase measures on the ballot. Do not feed the government bear. Starve it instead.

While we have many single-issue groups, organizations, churches and leaders, we are still not united in a common strategy or goal. It is time for conservatives—as well as the unaffiliated, and even liberals who oppose the growing craziness—to join together in the cause of Constitutional government. Progressives are opposed to Constitutional government.

Finally, we will win by an outreach to the citizens of color who have been held on the Democrat Plantation for 150 years. Who created Jim Crow laws, the KKK, the genocidal Planned Parenthood, segregation? Who used the “Great Society” to kick fathers out of their homes and created divided families? It was the Democrat Party. Who runs the failed government schools? It is the unions and Democrats.

We need a strong campaign to remind the people of the U.S., regardless of color, that the systematic racism some talk about is really the results of the policies of the Democrat Party.

Once we admit we are in the Civil War, the direction becomes clear. When political and church leaders announce they are taking leadership in winning the War, we have a road map to victory. Then educate the public, and we will remind the nation of how freedom is won and kept.

This is work. The alternative cannot be accepted. Our children, our nation, and our heritage deserve better

On to freedom and victory.

Stephen Frank is Senior Contributing Editor of California Political Review. Read California news that is incisive, hard-hitting, and solution-oriented with a free subscription to Steve’s daily emails at http://eepurl.com/UAspv

NOTE: Blogs published on the Judeo-Christian Caucus website are the opinions of their authors and not necessarily those of the Judeo-Christian Caucus.


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